5 Things Creators Shouldn’t Use ChatGPT For (Yet)

Eric G Reid
3 min readJun 12, 2023


As content creators embrace the assistance of AI tools like ChatGPT, it’s crucial to identify certain areas where caution is necessary. While ChatGPT can streamline workflows and improve efficiency, it’s important to recognize its limitations. This article highlights five aspects where content creators should exercise caution when utilizing ChatGPT.

1. Data/Citations:
ChatGPT’s ability to provide accurate sources is still a challenge. AI tools may occasionally generate non-existent links or unreliable information. Content creators should approach ChatGPT’s data, statistics, and sources with skepticism. It is essential to fact-check and verify every source independently to ensure the legitimacy of the content. Although ChatGPT’s browsing capabilities may improve over time, it’s crucial to tread lightly when relying on it for data and citations.

2. Jokes:
While ChatGPT can add humor to written content, it often falls short in producing high-quality jokes. The jokes generated by ChatGPT are frequently bland, obvious, and lack nuance or personality. As a content creator, using ChatGPT’s jokes as direct material may not yield satisfactory results. Instead, consider using ChatGPT’s jokes as inspiration or starting points to enhance your own humor writing.

3. Anecdotes:
Generating anecdotes is an area where ChatGPT excels, but it raises ethical concerns. Crafting a compelling anecdote requires authenticity and relatability. While ChatGPT can create engaging anecdotes, fabricating an entire anecdote may compromise your credibility as a creator. It is advisable to use ChatGPT to enhance and refine real anecdotes, making them more interesting without compromising their authenticity.

4. Point of View:
Developing a unique voice and perspective is crucial for content creators to stand out. ChatGPT should not be relied upon to guide your point of view entirely. Your perspective should be genuine and reflective of your own beliefs and experiences. Audiences can quickly detect inauthenticity, so it’s essential to avoid using ChatGPT as a substitute for finding your own voice.

5. One-Click Articles:
One-click articles refer to content generated by ChatGPT with minimal input, usually limited to a topic or keyword. These articles often lack depth and fail to meet the standards expected from serious creators. Instead of relying solely on one-click articles, content creators should view ChatGPT as a writing assistant, using it to enhance their existing writing process. Providing detailed prompts and outlines enables ChatGPT to deliver more effective and high-quality content.

While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for content creators, there are certain areas where caution is advised. When it comes to data/citations, jokes, anecdotes, points of view, and one-click articles, human intervention, and creative input remain essential. By understanding and acknowledging these limitations, creators can strike a balance between leveraging the benefits of AI and maintaining their unique voice and authenticity in their content creation process.

AI Tools Of The Day

Upscayl — A free and open source AI image upscaler. Increase the size of your images without losing quality.

Voxqube — Translate videos into any language.

Eric G. Reid
Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Skinny Brown Dog Media



Eric G Reid

I'm Eric G. Reid, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Skinny Brown Dog Media. My mission: transform aspiring writers into authors, and help them create an impact