Are You Truly All-In?
What does it mean to be truly all-in? We say things like “I am all in on this one” or I am leaving nothing on the sidelines” or “this is all or nothing time”. I had made the statement the other day to a friend battling cancer that it sounded like she had to learn to “surrender all”. Which is what sparked this idea of what is “ALL”. I know what all means but what I started to think about is what does it look like when you really go all in for a dream and idea a desire.
When we say we are “all in” but really only giving 10% or 20% of our effort are we really “all in”?
Time and time again I hear people express a deep desire to change some area of their lives. They say they are willing to do whatever it takes an. However, when I look at their day to day actions it is clear that they are playing the on again off again game and telling everyone it's a full out hard court press.
If your ready to start REALLY living ALL IN here is what you need to do.
It’s simple, but not easy, There is a formula:
Start with a purpose. This will lead to imagination, determination, creativity and focus. Then, and only then, are you ready for the process to start!
You will then need to have agreement/understanding of what it will take. Then, you can make a commitment, which will bring you to passion.
Passion = All-In
Come up with an agreement — with yourself, your boss or whomever you’re going all-in for. Understand exactly what the plan is. Write it out. Clarity is key to this one.
If you’re trying to lose weight, you need to make an agreement with yourself that you’re not going to surpass a number of calories per day, no matter what. You’re going to get on the treadmill every night, no matter what! You can not build in excuses and cheat days. It all in or out nothing in the middle.
If you want you to hit certain sales numbers, you have to be in agreement with that goal and understand what is needed to get there — weekends at the office, early mornings, etc.
Once you’re in agreement, you need to stick to that agreement. Whether written or verbal, it’s a contract. You need to carry out that contract, no matter what. That’s commitment.
Once you’ve been committed long enough, you’ll know true passion. Purpose combined with true passion means working at something no matter what the world throws at you…that is what being all-in is all about!
There are too many people that have it backwards. They wait around for passion to strike them, thinking that once it does, they’ll commit themselves to its source. But, the reality is that it happens the other way around: having a purpose and commitment to something will lead to passion.
Will you be able to say you’re truly all-in? At home, work, school, etc.
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