Be a Lone Wolf and Walk Your Own Path

Eric G Reid
3 min readMar 14, 2019


Be a Lone Wolf.

If there is any advice I would universally give to every person, regardless of who they are, it is this: walk your own path.

Don’t walk someone else’s path. Don’t walk the path your parents predestined for you just because you feel emotionally indebted to them. Don’t walk a path that appears to be yours, but is actually society’s fabricated ideal of who you ‘should’ be. Don’t walk a path just because you fell into it and it’s “good enough.” Don’t walk a path that you feel a sense of enslaved duty towards because it’s what you “need to be” doing according to dominant sociocultural standards.

Walk your own path. That means CHOOSING your own path in a very conscious way.

Why are we so afraid to go our own journey?

Although choosing your own path may initially sound very exciting, there’s a reason why most people prefer to follow the crowd. 1) Walking your own path means that you might be rejected by others. You might be gossiped about, thought of in disparaging ways (e.g. as a “kook,” “oddball,” “idiot”), and outright alienated or estranged from other people. 2) Going the journey on your own terms is a lot of work. No one is out there giving you a map, a set of rules, or instructions that tell you what to do. You have to be responsible for figuring it all out from scratch. It kind of feels like stumbling through the dark in a room full of sharp objects. Bit of advice, You will make mistakes. You will fall flat and land smack bang on your face. You will feel embarrassed, overwhelmed, and a lot of other uncomfortable emotions that come with doing something completely radical.3) Walking your own paths is hard because we don’t know where to start. Hint, this is your own path there is no pre-made starting point. You have to make the starting line and just step over it and build the path as you go.

Why go through all of this?

At some point in your life journey, you will need to embrace being a lone wolf. You’ll have to go at it alone. You’ll have to go against the grain, break free from the herd, ask the difficult questions, and face the confronting truths which may alienate you from others. You will need to be discerning, see through the BS, shrug off the haters, and keep moving forward, even if you are tired of fighting. Being a lone wolf means being a warrior. It means standing up for what you believe in and courageously walking into the wild unknown. It’s all worth it. When you choose to be your own journey you can create to your heart’s desire, you will feel more alive,you will feel a sense of self-respect and self-love for courageously pursuing your life purpose and you will become who you were Devinly created to be.



Eric G Reid

I'm Eric G. Reid, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Skinny Brown Dog Media. My mission: transform aspiring writers into authors, and help them create an impact