Is it time to Starting Over?

Eric G Reid
5 min readOct 12, 2020


Has everything that has happened in 2020 made you rethink how you are doing business?


What I would do if I had to start over!

Here are the 7 steps I would follow to start over.

You may have answered this question differently but this would be my approach.

Step 1: Decide who I serve and what I help them with

This is something that is said in every business training but I find it is the biggest hang-up for many new business people. They feel like they can do so many things so it is hard to choose just one. I want to go fast so rather than finding the perfect thing I am going to make a choice and go with it. I can decide to do something new next year but I want success as soon as possible! Think McDonald it all started with just a hamburger, fries, and a shake.

Step 2: Start a Facebook group

As you know, I am a fan of Facebook groups because of their organic growth potential, and the ability to create a real interaction. I would create a group for my ideal clients so I can start teaching and building a community. A great group will always provide the perfect feedback on what to do next.

Step 3: Consistent Quality Content

Consistent quality content is imperative for any business using social media to grow their business. By consistent, I mean at least once a day, by quality I mean that the content itself is what your ideal client is looking for. The consistent quality content is what will build know, like, and trust with your group members so you can turn followers into customers.

Notice I said I would start the content in the group even before there was anyone in there. This is because most people think they will start creating content after people come but if you provide content after they come people will join the group and see that there is nothing there.

I want them to join the group and be amazed at how much free quality content is available for them.

Step 4: 25 promotional partners

Next, I would make a list of 25 people who already have influence over my ideal clients. Other speakers and coaches, bloggers, podcasters, other businesses that serve my ideal clients, associations, networking groups, Facebook groups, etc. I am going to make a list of these people and find a way that I can serve them and their audience.

This will get me in front of my ideal clients and help me grow my Facebook group so my consistent quality content can warm them up and build the know, like, and trust factor.

For the associations and networking type groups, I am going to pitch them by focusing on the content I will provide for their people.

For the influencers and business owners, I am going to focus on creating a win/win opportunity where we promote each other. “A rising tide lifts all boats.”

Since I would be just starting out I would be starting out small and repeating this approach every month so I can grow consistently. Build the spirit of collaboration from the start.. it will server you in the long run.

Step 5: Comment on everyone who engages

As my group grows I will get more and more comments. I need to make sure to comment on every comment on my posts. This is a great way to start a conversation and grow the relationship. CONFESSION I really struggle with this one, It requires clear intention.

Step 6: Set a goal to start 5–10 conversations a day through messenger.

Everything I would be doing is about finding the right people, building know, like, and trust, so I can then start a conversation with someone who can become a client.

Business starts with conversations. We make it far too complicated. If I had to start over again this would be the biggest part of the puzzle. Business comes from conversations. They don’t even have to be business related. I just need to be in conversations with the right people. I can start a conversation with a simple message that says, “thanks for being a part of the group! I appreciate you!” It doesn’t need to be complicated. Connections are the perfect contact point for growth, feedback, and your next great idea.

Step 7: Book 1 call a day

From there the goal is to book 1 call a day with a potential client. Remember we are talking about building a business and if the repeated term “client” offends you then you are not really wanting to build a business. Each contact may turn into more than 1 call but I just want to break it down to 1 small goal every day to build consistent momentum and success. I want to book 1 call a day simply so I can help them with whatever they are going through now for free. If there is a fit to work with them after that call fantastic! If not, not a problem. I helped them and they can refer me to someone else.

I know from experience if I just focus on serving people and asking them if they would like help implementing the plan I just offered them sales will come. Sales are not nearly as hard as people make it out to be. Start with serving and the rest will follow (music fades)

With this simple plan, I would have a minimum of 20 calls booked within the first 30 days and 60 total calls booked in the next 90 days. By that time 3 months came around the business would be well on its way. Or I would have figured out I am not really committed to the BIGGER goal.

That is it! That is what I would do if I lost all of my clients, lost all of my contacts, and had to start over again. Yes AGAIN — trust me I like so many others have had to hit the reset button a few times and several before 2020.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this and got value from it. Take what you like and customize it to make it work for you.

You Got This!



Eric G Reid
Eric G Reid

Written by Eric G Reid

I'm Eric G. Reid, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Skinny Brown Dog Media. My mission: transform aspiring writers into authors, and help them create an impact

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