Eric G Reid
2 min readSep 18, 2020


Please dont wait for a system crash to hit the reset button.

What would happen if you took the time for a hard reset?
There are many benefits to switching off, but the biggest one is coming back with a fresh set of eyes and a whole new perspective on my priorities.
It allows me to ask myself, “why am I doing X.Y.Z.?” “Is it important enough to keep doing it?” “Should I do something else instead?”
After a reset, it’s always so clear that time is the great equalizer…
And, checking in to make sure you’re satisfied with how you’re spending your time and where you’re placing focus is one of the single most important questions you can ask yourself. Period.
I bring this up because, as of today, we have less than 100 days left in 2020 — and Q4 is creeping upon us by the minute.
This year has brought headaches, challenges, and difficulties that could have never been anticipated for many.
But a select few have turned those challenges into incredible opportunities, have made insane headway, and have broken all kinds of records in the last nine months.
You need to know something — being a successful business builder isn’t about some sort of sorcerer or magician…
It’s about knowing how to spot opportunities, create plans to capitalize on them, flawlessly execute and adjust your approach until you get your result.
Is it always easy? H*** no.
Can it be done? Absolutely!
That’s some of what I cover on the live teaches on Success Life U.
What are you going to do with the 104 days you have left in 2020?
I challenge you to spend a minute this weekend and take a hard look at your priorities…
Where are you spending your resources — time, money, and energy?
Are you getting the results you want?
Where should you STOP spending your resources?
What is working, and where should you DOUBLE DOWN on allocating resources?
These few questions could create profound changes in your business for the rest of this year and beyond.
These are the questions I asked myself when I got back after my little reset, and I hope you take the time to ask yourself as well..
Feel free to reply and let me know what answers you come up with — I’d love to hear if you’re open to sharing!

Eric G Reid
Founder and Coach with

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Eric G Reid
Eric G Reid

Written by Eric G Reid

I'm Eric G. Reid, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Skinny Brown Dog Media. My mission: transform aspiring writers into authors, and help them create an impact

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