The Indie Author’s Guide to Shameless Self-Promotion (Without Being a Jerk About It)

Eric G Reid
3 min readMar 27, 2024


Learn how to promote your self-published book and celebrate your indie author achievements without coming across as a bragging jerk. Tips for first-time authors, self-publishing success, and navigating the world of book marketing with grace and a dash of humor.

Answering the Dreaded “So, What’s Your Book About?” Question

As an indie author, you’ve poured your heart and soul into self-publishing your book. But when someone asks about your masterpiece, you might find yourself tongue-tied or worried about sounding like a pompous windbag. Fear not! When faced with a direct question about your book, it’s totally okay to share your excitement and accomplishments. Just keep it modest and remember: the person asked, so you’re not bragging, you’re just being polite.

Navigating the Social Media Self-Promo Minefield

Social media is a wild west of self-promotion, and as an indie author, you’ll need to saddle up and join the fray. The good news? When everyone’s tooting their own horn, your self-publishing success story won’t stand out as bragging. Jump in on those Twitter threads where authors are sharing their wins, or create an Instagram post celebrating your latest milestone. Just remember to balance out the humble-brags with genuine interaction and support for your fellow indie authors.

Building Your Grassroots Hype Squad

Unless you’re secretly a trust fund baby, you probably don’t have the budget to hire a fancy publicist as a first-time author. But who needs ‘em? You can assemble your own scrappy team of grassroots promoters from your circle of author friends, book bloggers, and enthusiastic early readers. Encourage your hype squad to post reviews, testimonials, and endorsements on your book’s Amazon page, Goodreads profile, and social media. It’s not bragging if someone else is singing your praises, right?

Keeping It Real: The Power of Balanced Storytelling.

Here’s a secret: readers love an underdog. When you’re sharing your indie author journey, don’t be afraid to get real about the challenges and setbacks alongside the triumphs. Talking about the times you wanted to give up or the rejection letters that papered your walls makes you more relatable and authentic. Plus, when you sprinkle in a few “before” stories, your “after” achievements will shine even brighter. Everybody loves a good character arc!

Celebrating Your Wins Without Being a Gloating Gus

As a self-published author, you’re going to hit some incredible milestones worth celebrating. When the kudos start rolling in, resist the urge to deflect or downplay your success with self-deprecating jokes. A simple, heartfelt “thank you” is the classy way to accept a compliment. And when those glowing reader reviews and emails start pouring in? Savor them! Print them out, save them in a “Feel-Good Folder,” and read them whenever imposter syndrome rears its ugly head.

Crafting Your Indie Author Highlight Reel

At the end of each year, take a beat to reflect on your indie author journey. Create a “My Year in Books” list, chronicling your top ten triumphs and lessons learned. Celebrate the wins, big and small, and give yourself a pat on the back for how far you’ve come as a self-published author. Use the challenges and “growth opportunities” to set new goals for the year ahead. And don’t be afraid to share your highlight reel — you never know who you’ll inspire to take the leap and self-publish their own story.

Ready to take your indie author journey to the next level?

Skinny Brown Dog Media is here to help! As an indie publisher specializing in supporting self-published authors, we offer a range of services to help you polish, publish, and promote your book. From editing and cover design to marketing and distribution, our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve your indie author dreams. Visit to learn more and schedule a free consultation. Let’s unleash your story together!

So there you have it, my fellow indie authors. Self-promotion doesn’t have to be cringey or awkward. By being authentic, celebrating your wins, and supporting your fellow self-publishing warriors, you’ll find the book marketing sweet spot. And with Skinny Brown Dog Media in your corner, you’ll have the tools and expertise you need to shamelessly (but gracefully) shout your story from the rooftops!



Eric G Reid

I'm Eric G. Reid, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Skinny Brown Dog Media. My mission: transform aspiring writers into authors, and help them create an impact