Just for you,
I find that we resist ‘allowing’ ourselves to relax and release.
We have been programmed that if we release the control (whatever that control is), the world will see spin out of control.
The truth is, the earth spun on its axis just fine without you trying to control it.
So for just the next minute, ALLOW yourself to be at peace.
Breathe into the present moment.
Take a short break.
Loosen up and literally shake out your body for a few seconds.
It’s going to help you to get rid of tension.
Shaking can help quiet the mind’s chatter, calm the body and return it back to a state of balance.
It is one of the easiest and quickest ways to release stress.
So shake it off and remember that things will change for the better.
Consider the possibility that most of your worries may not actually come true.
You will be fine.
Allow yourself to be at peace.
Look, the world is just fine..