What is your next Nexus Point?

I believe there are innumerable small and many major nexus points in all of our lives.

Eric G Reid
4 min readJul 17, 2019
What is your next Nexus Point

I am someone who struggles with reading, writing, and wordsmithyness. After much work, I now find language to be so interesting — so many words and combination of words come together to create unique thoughts and images. As a result, I have become a bit of a word detective. I love taking apart and putting words back together and discovering the little handed meanings found inside words and standard definitions.

For instance, the other day, I was watching a show, and the host used the word Nexus Point when speaking about the early indigenous people of the Americas and the lost landmass of Beringia. Since the discussion was so interesting, I thought I should learn the exact definition of “Nexus Point.”
So yes I hit pause on the remote, yeah I do that a lot when I watch TV and start to google the word. Have to love Google, here is what I learned.

Nexus entered English during the seventeenth century from the Latin word nectere, meaning “to bind or tie.” People tend to use this word to describe the point where different things or ideas come together or intersect. In the field of cell biology, a nexus refers to “a specialized area of the cell membrane involved in intercellular communication and adhesion,” and implies that the nexus of a cell facilitates communication among the various parts and allows it to work properly.

This definition started me thinking about the idea of Nexus Points in our life as places where destiny and opportunity collide. Or from my faith perspective where God’s call and my courage(actions) and will intersect. These are strategic moments that speak to the core of who we are and the purpose we are called to. That our decisions and our actions move into a space bond or tied to that of ‘interstellar.’ I know it says intercellular communication in the definition. But I am the wordsmith in this lesson, and I liked the idea of interstellar or higher communicating. The idea of having a moment in time where my thought and action become bound or tied to that of the Divine made me stop to examine my life and reflect on past Nexius Points. Those moments when I was allowed to demonstrate my faith and who I truly was. Seeing those moments that out of the fire came great moments and lesson and not garbage to be swept aside. Being reminded of my worthiness and my chosenness in this journey of life. (1 Cor. 3:11–13)

I believe there are innumerable small and major Nexus Points in all of our lives. For some, there will be a singular moment that will forever define them for others; there will be many moments that will define them. It is difficult to tell how significant any given test is until it is upon us. What I have learned is; the best course is to approach each trial as if it will be the supreme test and strive to the uttermost to do our best. And that our performance in small things sets us up for our more significant decisions.

Remember, these critical moments are not necessarily single moment. And the decisions that make them up are not necessarily single decisions. But each Nexus Point may take several hours, several days, or several weeks maybe even years to be seen. Or as in the story of the First Americans, generations to work itself out and be seen.

It is the characteristic excellence of the strong man that he can bring momentous issues to the fore and make a decision about them. The weak are always forced to decide between alternatives they have not chosen themselves. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We are responsible for our choices and for the ripples that flow out from them, for good or ill. Many people spend a large portion of their lives trying to get out from under the results of past decisions. It is infinitely simpler to live in grace and seize the moment and do the right next thing you are called into at your highest ability and understanding.

Ohhh, you are probably wondering how the term Nexus Point was used in the TV show that started me down this rabbit hole. The host was explaining about a recent discovery of two intombed infants that lived 11,500 years ago on the landmass occupied the Bering Strait. And how genetical they did not match those from Northeastern Asia nor that of two known branches of ancestral Native Americans. He then said that these infants represent a Nexus Point. Or the Nexus Point of genetic divergence between the Ancient Beringians and ancestral Native Americans. This discovery was evidence of the genetic birthplace of a completely new “man” that became what we know as the Americas Indigenous people. Native Americas people are not direct descendants of any other civilization but are in fact a completely new civilization born out of this genetic coming together (nexus) of many northern Asia civilization. Cool Right!!!

Just think you Divine Nexus Points could also bring about an entirely new you.


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Eric G Reid
Eric G Reid

Written by Eric G Reid

I'm Eric G. Reid, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Skinny Brown Dog Media. My mission: transform aspiring writers into authors, and help them create an impact

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