You don’t get what you want you get what you expect.

Eric G Reid
3 min readJun 13, 2019


An expectation is a belief about whether or not you’re going to get what you want. As a coach, what I have learned is there is a gap between wanting and expecting. And it is in this gap that we fail to achieve those things we paste to our dream boards and goal charts. By studying how people create their futures, one of the things I have learned is that having an expectation that differs from what you want isn’t just the reason you don’t buy lottery tickets. It’s the actions you take based on those expectations. The reason why there are lots of things that you want, but you can’t quite seem to attain them is your future expectations of what will happen based on your past experiences.
expectation + action = creation of your life experiences

Do you know why trying to lose just a few pounds, going after that dream client, or perfect relationship seems so hard to achieve no matter how hard you try to create that change? Why does this endless loop of try and fail seem to happen over and over?
Because expectation + action = creation of your life experiences.
It might surprise you to know that most people go about their daily life, thinking that they are doing the things they need to achieve the things they want in life. When in reality, they are acting based on their expectations, which in turn are drawn from past experiences. Those same history based expectations are what created the current reality that has them stuck.

Having been in coaching for more than 12 years, one of the things I hear most often is “I want to change my life, but I don’t believe that I can.”
Therein lays the conflict between wanting one outcome and expecting a different outcome.
Like most people, there is probably something that you want in your life right now, but you’re not sure if you can attain it, and so you’re holding back. Remember this when you don’t act on what you want, you take yourself out of the game completely. The big question is, why do we do take ourselves out of the game before we start? What I have learned is we have a future thinking brain, a brain that is wired to anticipate danger. That future thinking danger brain is what helped us survive this. And as soon as we start to anticipate any event, you begin to act and feel in ways that help us prepare for what we think is going to happen. That anticipation creates a future outcome, and based on the imaged (anticipated) outcome is how we act. Not based on what we want, but based on what we think will happen.

As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”
Your past isn’t what defines who you are or where you are going. It’s your expectations of the future that limit you most.
The good news: You can choose. You can decide to take action based on what you want without using that server and protect fear-based brain. And when you take action, you put yourself back in the game of getting what you want in life. You give yourself the opportunity to step out of the past and create a new life that you genuinely want to live.
Releasing the past from the expectations of the future allows you to move into alignment with match wants and expectations and achieve a life of success.
Ask yourself right now “what do I truly expecting your life to be?” Now take the actions needed to prove it.

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Remember this .. you are worthy of success,

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Eric G Reid

I'm Eric G. Reid, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Skinny Brown Dog Media. My mission: transform aspiring writers into authors, and help them create an impact